V Kumar Classes,krishna nagar,GIRIDIH
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V Kumar classes a conceptual study place. Cover Photo

We believe to make foundation of concept not to pressurize to learn.............
  students celebrate teacher's day 100% scorer and 4th ranker in jharkhand in 2011 10th cbse board

The Most Crucial Phase

Classes IX and X mark the most important phase in a student's life. The performance in the Board classes could well determine the future of a student - from securing a stream of choice to admission in the right career institute.

What a student now needs more than anything else is the best possible start in life. something that can not only aid in coping with intense academic pressures, but also help in competing with others. Above all, each student deserves to be looked upon as the individual that he or she is, and not as just another face in a class.

Basically all children are good and have potential to do well, provided their hidden qualities are recognised, appreciated, crafted and polished in a manner, which suits them most at personal level.

That's precisely where the Interactions' Classroom Coaching Program comes in. It is a scientifically designed program that comprehensively prepares the student in the subjects of Mathematics and Science, keeping in mind his or her unique strengths and weaknesses at every step.

Success in exams is the result of knowledge, speed and the ability to write precise and yet correct answers. The Interactions' Classroom Coaching Program systematically builds your strengths in these three areas, offering you one-stop total preparation.

We use a systematic approach that combines classroom learning, extensive practice, regular testing and insightful feedback, and technology assisted learning services to deliver better result.

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